Liesbeth  Vanherpe


›› 01/01/2018
Open sourcing of BluePyMM, Blue Brain Python Cell Model Management.

›› 01/01/2018
Started working at ASML, Veldhoven, the Netherlands.

›› 05/12/2017 at 17:00
OSPF Concert, Eglise de Puplinge, Puplinge, Switzerland.

›› 05/11/2017 at 17:00
OSPF Concert, Eglise Notre Dame des Grâces, Lancy, Switzerland.

›› 03/11/2017 at 20:00
OSPF Concert, Salle Frank Martin, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 11/2017
Release of the Simulation Neuroscience MOOC on the edX platform; I contributed to the development of the exercises.

›› 12-13/09/2017
HBP Young Researchers Event, Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 23/06/2017 at 19:00
OSPF concert, Fête de la Musique, Salle de spectacle de l'Institut International de Lancy, Grand-Lancy, Switzerland.

›› 06-09/06/2017
Human Brain Project Brain Simulation Platform Hackathon, Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 26/04/2017
Member of the 9th edition of the Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes.

›› 09/04/2017 at 17:00
OSPF Concert, Eglise Notre Dame des Grâces, Lancy, Switzerland.

›› 07/04/2017 at 20:00
OSPF Concert, Temple de Coppet, Coppet, Switzerland.

›› 06-10/03/2017
Workshop on Big Data Management Systems in Business and Industrial Applications, Stuttgart, Germany; I'm a member of the program committee.


News Archive

Conference Archive



›› See Liesbeth Vanherpe @ EPFL.


›› This is a personal page.

Most recent update

›› 09 July 2018 20:42:11



›› The layout of this page is based on the theme purgatory shuffle, to be found on Open Source Webdesign.

›› The header image of this page is made with Brayns, a visualiser for ray-traced rendering of neuronal morphologies, mainly developed by Cyrille Favreau at the Blue Brain Project.


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News Archive


›› 18/12/2016 at 17:00
OSPF Concert, Eglise catholique de Puplinge, Puplinge, Switzerland.

›› 06/11/2016 at 17:00
OSPF Concert, Eglise Notre Dame des Grâces, Lancy, Switzerland.

›› 04/11/2016 at 20:00
OSPF Concert, Salle Frank Martin, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 25/10/2016
I invited Neil Chue Hong of The Software Sustainability Institute for a talk on Software Sustainability: putting practice first.

›› 12/10/2016-15/10/2016
HBP Summit 2016, Florence, Italy.

›› 08/09/2016
Paper featured in Physical Review E August 2016 Kaleidoscope.

›› 29/08/2016-02/09/2016
Invited plenary talk at GridKa School 2016 on Data Science on Modern Architectures, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany.

›› 02/07/2016-06/07/2016
10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark.

›› 08/06/2016-10/06/2016
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC16), Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 26/05/2016-27/05/2016
The Brain Forum 2016, Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 30/03/2016
Platform Release, Human Brain Project.


›› 12/12/2015
OSPF Thé dansant, Salle Communale de Grand-Lancy, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 05/12/2015
OSPF Bal Viennois, Theatre du Loup, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 18/10/2015-23/10/2015
International Conference on Magnet Technology, Seoul, Korea.

›› 28/09/2015-30/09/2015
HBP Summit 2015, Madrid, Spain.

›› 07/09/2015-09/09/2015
GridKa School 2015 on Big Data, Virtualization and Modern Programming, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany.

›› 30/08/2015-02/09/2015
2015 International Conference on Brain Informatics & Health, London, UK.

›› 30/06/2015
IC Research Day 2015, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 17/04/2015
Bertarelli Program in Translational Neuroscience and Neuroengineering (PTNN), Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 30/03/2015-01/04/2015
The Brain Forum 2015, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 01/01/2015
New office: the Human Brain Project moves to Campus Biotech, Geneva, Switzerland.


›› 29/09/2014-01/10/2014
HBP Summit 2014, Heidelberg, Germany.

›› 12/06/2014
IC Research Day 2014, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 20/02/2014
CERN-openlab Data Analytics Workshop, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.


›› 11/2013
Started working at the Blue Brain Project, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

›› 28/09/2013-29/09/2013
CERN Open Days, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 14/07/2013-19/07/2013
International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-23), Boston, MA USA.

›› 11/07/2013
ATS Seminar at CERN.

›› 26/06/2013-27/06/2013
1st oPAC Topical Workshop: Grand Challenges in Accelerator Optimisation, Geneva, Switzerland.

›› 06/05/2013-08/05/2013
Belgian Teachers Programme 2013 at CERN.


›› 02/06/2012, 22/06/2012 & 03/07/2012
Dansez!, Concerts of l'Orchestre des Trois-Chêne.

›› 24/05/2012-27/05/2012
Belgian Teachers Programme 2012 at CERN.

›› 24/04/2012
Interview in Krant van West-Vlaanderen.

›› 23/03/2012 & 25/03/2012
Concerts of l'Orchestre des Trois-Chêne.

›› 16/01/2012-20/01/2012
AXEL Course at CERN.


›› 06/12/2011
New office: 112 4-B38.

›› 22/11/2011
MSC Seminar at CERN.

›› 20/11/2011 & 04/12/2011
Concerts of l'Orchestre des Trois-Chêne.

›› 07/11/2011
Seminar at KU Leuven Campus Kortrijk.

›› 09/08/2011
I'm an official CERN guide. Visit CERN!

›› 05/07/2011
Concert au parc of l'Orchestre Saint-Jean Genève with l'Orchestre de la Madeleine.

›› 07, 17 & 19/06/2011
Musique russe, Concerts of l'Orchestre Saint-Jean Genève with l'Orchestre de la Madeleine.


›› 01/11/2010
First day at work at CERN.

›› 01/10/2010
LAO Concert in Deerlijk, Belgium.

›› 01/10/2010
First day at work at the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering.

›› 23-24/09/2010
OPTEC II Kick-Off, Spa, Belgium.

›› 09/09/2010
PhD Defence, Auditorium “De Tweede Hoofdwet”, Thermotechnisch Instituut, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 05-09/07/2010
ICCAM 2010, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 18-20/06/2010
PhDays 2010, Les Hautes Fagnes-Outrewarche, Belgium.

›› 29/05/2010
CS-party, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 06-17/05/2010
LAO travels to Shanghai, China.

›› 03/05/2010
Spring Meeting WSC 2010, Antwerpen, Belgium.

›› 01/05/2010
LAO groet Sjanghai!, Concert of the LAO.


›› 04/12/2009-05/12/2009
2nd Belgian Mathematical Society - London Mathematical Society Conference, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 12/11/2009 & 13/11/2009
Travel Concerts of the USO.

›› 07/11/2009, 08/11/2009 & 15/11/2009
Het Grote Winterprobleem, Concerts of the LAO.

›› 07/10/2009-09/10/2009
Thirty-fourth Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, The Netherlands.

›› 22-23/09/2009
Course: Parallel Computing with MATLAB, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 30/08/2009-02/09/2009
2nd Symposium on Phase-Field Modelling in Materials Science and Engineering, Aachen, Germany.

›› 24/04/2009-26/04/2009
PhDays Numerical Mathematics 2009, Schaijk, The Netherlands.

›› 24/04/2009
Spring Meeting WSC 2009, Zwarte Doos, TU-Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

›› 02-03/04/2009
Spring Concerts of the USO.

›› 17/03/2009
Seminar for research group THERMO.

›› 04/03/2009
Vlaamse programmeerwedstrijd.


›› 13/12/2008: Concert of the LAO.

›› 06-07/11/2008: Tour Concerts of the USO.

›› 20/10/2008-24/10/2008: Ninth European MultiGrid Conference, Bad Herrenalb, Germany.

›› 08/10/2008-10/10/2008: Thirty-third Woudschoten Conference, Zeist, The Netherlands.

›› 9/2008: "Ombuds" of CW (only january) and WIT for the academic year 2008-2009.

›› 07/07/2008-11/07/2008: 13th International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics 2008, Ghent, Belgium.

›› 02/07/2008-04/07/2008: Workshop on Multi-scale modeling of moving interfaces in materials, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 30/05/2008-01/06/2008: PhDays Numerical Mathematics 2008, De Haan, Belgium.

›› 18/05/2008-24/05/2008: Ecole thématique CNRS: Transformations de phase avec diffusion dans les solides, Porquerolles, France.

›› 11/05/2008-14/05/2008: SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, USA.

›› 16/03/2008-03/05/2008: Research visit to the Institute of Computational Engineering at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany.

›› 09/03/2008 - 14-16/03/2008: Spring Concerts of the USO.

›› 04/03/2008: Seminar for research group THERMO.

›› 29/02/2008: Gene Golub Around the World Commemoration, Leuven, Belgium.

›› 15/02/2008: Dikke-truiendag


›› 12/2007: Rational Energy Use page online.

›› 8/12/2007: Música Española concert of the LAO.

›› 8/11/2007 & 9/11/2007: Travel Concerts of the USO.

›› 11/10/2007: New office: 01.042.

›› 8/10/2007: Film evening on "Global Warming", organized by the REG-team and the Party Committee.

›› 3-5/10/2007: Thirty-second Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities, Zeist, The Netherlands.

›› 9/2007: "Ombuds" of 2CW, 3CW and WIT for the academic year 2007-2008.

›› 16-20/07/2007: 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zurich, Switzerland.

›› 04-06/06/2007: Phase Field Workshop, Paris, France.

›› 31/05/2007: Doctoral seminar at the CS department.

›› 27-29/04/2007: PhDays Numerical Mathematics 2007, Baarschot, the Netherlands.

›› 27/04/2007: Seminar at High Performance Computing @ KU Leuven Symposium 2007.

›› 29-30/03/2007: Spring Concerts of the USO.

›› 16/02/2007: Dikke-truiendag

›› 02/2007: REG-promotor of the CS department.

›› 09/01/2007: Seminar for research group THERMO.


›› 13-17/11/2006: Polymorphism in Condensed Matter - International workshop, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany.

›› 9/11/2006 & 17/11/2006: Travel Concerts of the USO.

›› 11-13/10/2006: Thirty-first Conference of the Dutch-Flemish Numerical Analysis Communities, Zeist, The Netherlands.

›› 10/2006: "Ombuds" of 2CW, 3CW and WIT for the academic year 2006-2007.

›› 19-21/05/2006: PhDays Numerical Mathematics 2006, Bérismenil, Belgium.

›› 16/05/2006: IAP Study Day, Château-Ferme de Profonval, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

›› 26/03/2006-31/03/2006: Ecole thematique, Les Houches, France.

›› 23-24-25/03/2006: Spring Concerts of the USO.


›› 11/2005: "Ombuds" of 2CW and 3CW for the academic year 2005-2006.

›› 03/10/2005: First day at work at the Department of Computer Science.